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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Ammar Abdulhamid

Interviewed January 7, 2011

Bashar Assad uses different tactics in terms of the crackdown. He apparently made a decision early on with his brother– it´s a family affair, they´re always consulting — and talked within the family on how to carry out the crackdown. And apparently with the Iranians playing a role as advisors to them based on their own experiences in cracking down against the Green Movement a couple years ago, so they came up with the strategy whereby they keep the killing to an extent, to a minimum, 20 people every day, 30 people, but not too much in order not to sort of-raise international suspicions and attention.

And they got away with it for a while. They killed by means of snipers oftentimes. They position snipers in key locations and around the streets and around the communities that are rebelling even though the protestors are unarmed completely, but they tell the troops that these are Salafis, are jihadi elements, they are terrorists, you know.

“You need to realize this is a conspiracy, a Zionist American imperialist conspiracy, you know” – all different sort of lies just to gain the loyalties of the soldiers and convince them to file at unarmed protestors. So they positioned snipers. The snipers kill a few people in every protest, just enough to disperse the protests.

But what happen is that people became bolder. They decided not to run away, even when they´re facing guns. So yeah, the security people were sort of asked to open fire straight at the protestors now, and not simply snipers. They´re relying basically on tanks. Sometimes tanks open fire. Sometimes, you know, they bombard with cannons, the city.

So the death toll began to rise. We expect that in four months of protests– around 2000 people are killed and 20,000 people have been detained. But these numbers are expected to grow higher once we can actually have the ability to track every case.

It´s really a massacre that has been taking place in Syria in front of everybody. We try to document everything on YouTube videos, by cell phones, social networking sites. This is how we get information out of the country. But it´s really extremely difficult to give an accurate picture of what´s happening. And no matter how much information we´re giving you, they don´t really paint the horrors that the protestors are seeing every day and have to confront with every day.