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Interviews with Ammar Abdulhamid

Interviewed January 7, 2011

Now we don´t have free media in Syria. So had we not had this ability to in these networks that can allow people to monitor the situation on the ground and document it, we would never have been able to release the truth. I mean, the international community would be very much like back in 1982. You hear rumors of something going on in Hama. But you don´t know the reality of it. You don´t see it.

But being able to actually document it and within hours, telling you and showing you videos of massacres of protests– the protestors who are peaceful, standing in front of tanks and sort of lifting their hands and saying the people in the army are one. And trying to cajole the army into joining them rather than shooting at them. No one would´ve seen this kind of bravery.

We don´t know what kind of bravery happened in Hama in 1982. We don´t know what kind of massacres took place in 1982. We only know that a huge chunk of the old city was destroyed and now it´s empty, you know? And there is a big hotel there, right on the mass graves, basically. That only a couple of journalists who were there by accident, Thomas Friedman, I think, is one of them.

And Robert Fisk is another, who actually managed to document what happened in 1982. And tell you there were mass graves and there were massacres. But other than these two very small accounts, nothing on 1982. We made certain that we don´t have another Hama by creating these networks. And of course Assad is gonna be angry. We robbed him of the ability to massacre people quietly and away from the eyes of the world.

We documented his atrocities. And one day he will go to trial, basically. Whether it´s gonna be in the Hague or it´s gonna be inside Syria itself, it´s up to him. But one day he will go to trial because of the atrocities he committed. And because of our ability to document that. So, this is what the citizens of Syria, what the citizen journalists did. What these young activists armed with satellite phones and smart phones and cameras and laptops did.