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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Ahmed Samih

Interviewed January 5, 2011

And part of the plan was about getting internet access when– the internet would be cutted. And a lot of international activist– internet phreaks– (LAUGH) been very supportive of donating them own– dial up internet access. I had around 60 pages of international phone numbers all over the– the– the Europe and the United States and India.

People donated their own access to the internet. And my team was– asked people to cut this out and keep distributed. The second thing we expected from very early that they will cut the mobile services. So the main thing was about keeping communicating.

And they cut the internet services but they couldn´t cut the landlines. So it was very easy to communicate with the international world through the landlines. And when you have a landline, means that you have fax. And the fax is still working. And even if they– we been on the radio also, even if they call cut the landlines with certain ways. But in the end of the day, no one can says that he been effective in revolution. Everybody did his best. And that was the main reason this revolution was successful.