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Interviews with Ahmed Samih

Interviewed January 5, 2011

I saw it in Tunisia first. I was monitoring what´s going on in Tunisia very carefully. As any Tunisian do. I was focus and I been reading about what´s going on even I don´t read French. I´ve been using Google translator sometimes to– I wanted to understand what´s going on exactly in Tunisia. And when I saw Ben Ali second TV speech and when I saw his body language, I told one of the people who sit down next to me, I told him, “This guy are going to leave.”

This guy is the first Arab dictator who will be thrown out. And when I have been monitoring, focus on what´s going on exactly in Tunisia, my back mind was focus about how can we copy this in Egypt? And my whole hope that if this is happens in Tunisia, if the Tunisian made it, the Egyptian would made it like this (SNAP). And I think that because of– there is a lot of similarity between the Tunisian and the Egyptians. The both nation feel self dignity. And they put this as a high thing for [themselves].

And the Tunisian did it. They brought down their own dictators. They brought down Ben Ali. And I was ready with my friends of doing what we used to call it– the emergency plan. Which is we´ve been expecting almost everything the regime will do. There is a groups of people, my friends, we trust each other. Ahmed Maher, Samir Abdel Fattah and others who have been promoting over the internet to tell the people that we have to have revolution on 25th of January.

And I´ve been doing this. I been making my team– we have– I run an small internet radio. I been telling my team that they have to be ready, very ready, for 25th of January. Because we´ll have a lot of things to cover. I been talking to all the youth– through Facebook, through Twitter– to tell them how we can– going on. Even– Egyptian who study abroad, we been– we– we had a lot of– of communication. Because we wanted somebody to translate into English what´s going on. And keep Tweeting about it.

We had this [Twitter] hashtag– Jan. 25th. And hashtag, of course, Egypt. And we been under this hashtag, we´ve been keep saying what´s going on. And the Tunisian friends over the internet– I had Tunisian friends who participate in the revolution. And this Tunisian friends have been very active to support our revolution via internet and Facebook. They told us a lot of small, small techniques very useful during demonstrations. And this strikes, which is how to fight the tear gas. I never knew before that when you use some kind of soda to clean up your face with it. This is very effective against tear gas. I didn´t know that. The Tunisian came with the concept of blacking– spraying the police cars front glass. So they cannot see anymore.