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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Namees Arnous

Interviewed August 3, 2012

I’d love to say to the international community to be with the freedom, the people and the rights – not be with the governments – because the governments gone, gone. It will gone and it will fall, no other choice. They must take decisions with the people, decisions to protect the human rights, decision to protect the people who were killed day after day without – no one ask about them.

So I think international community are very important pressure against the dictatorship governments. They have no diplomatic in these cases. They have to be with the side of the people and the side of the right. It’s my message to them – stop diplomatic messages, just take a position, protect humans in other places and Arab Spring. Protect the humans and people in Syria, protect the people in Bahrain, protect people died every day in Egypt with the military. Take a decision, respectful decision, make people respect the international community. They have to.