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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Namees Arnous

Interviewed August 3, 2012

The human rights and democracy activists and the movements of democracy in Egypt beginning the start of the revolution, at the beginning of the revolution and till the end, there are a lot of people around the world that may inspired us. But actually the Egyptian revolution is very unique, so we just inspired by each other.

I can’t say that some people inspired me during this revolution. I just inspired by the people I saw; they were killed beside me. I inspired by the people – they were arrested by the military and – they – and by the police and the police tortured them. A lot of samples, a lot of role models around the world can inspire anything in peaceful movements and peaceful struggle, but during the revolution it’s very unique. Egyptian revolution, it’s very unique.

And for me, I just inspired about – by people around me from Egyptian – very poor people, very educated and very not educated people around me – they seeking for their freedom and the rights, to live. They inspired me.