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Interviews with Ernesto Hernandez Busto

Interviewed January 5, 2011

Repression has changed tactics and has been much more intense in recent years under the presidency of Raul Castro. What’s the new tactic? Small detentions lasting short periods of time. To prevent groups of dissidents from meeting or carrying out a community action, what they do is arrest many of them and prevent them from making it to a protest rally. These chains of short arrests that were used successfully with traditional dissidents, have reached the “bloggers” and new dissidents, if we can call them that. For some time, it appeared that people like Yoani Sanchez, Claudia Cadelo, or Reinaldo Escobar had a certain immunity because they were internationally recognized public figures, but in recent times, even they have been harassed, beaten, and even incarcerated. [Yoani Sanchez, Claudia Cadelo and Reinaldo Escobar are well-known Cuban bloggers. Sanchez and Escobar are married to each other.]

Yoani Sanchez, for example, has been incarcerated twice for hours and taken to a “dungeon.” There is recorded evidence and videos of beatings, done by professionals. But, undoubtedly, when these people have needed to act physically, they don’t think twice to do so, because they are not afraid of the repercussions. They know they will not be incarcerated for five or ten years or tried under false charges like the other dissidents in the past, because international pressure would be too much. But, I think they are not safe anymore because they now seem to be taking to the streets, and on the streets the strategy is different. The Cuban government will not allow an organized protest to serve as a “social spark.” They will never allow it. Now they worry about the Ladies in White Movement [The Ladies in White Movement, or Damas de Blanco, is a Cuban civil society group made up of female relatives of political prisoners] because they organize these repudiation meetings, they control violence very well but also have no scruples.

For example, if there is a famous blogger there, he or she will be beaten and insulted just like anyone else. There is a sort of constant personal harassment against them, from harassing your child at school to Internet campaigns against you. There is daily, continuous repression, and they also have the option of arrest, whenever they want to prevent certain people from being at the same meeting, they perform selective arrests, which in my opinion is the new tactic. They later let them go and it is always reported on the Internet, but it wears the opposition down.

On the other hand, the government is also wearing down because they don’t know what to do, with Yoani Sanchez for example. The person directly in charge of repressing the opposition has to be constantly calling his superior so they can contain this matter. If they kidnap you or put you in a car, they have to be careful not to beat you too much, leave marks, or be photographed, because this can be presented later as evidence.

I think this is what has the government in a situation never seen before — because how do they deal with the Ladies in White Movement or people who go on hunger strikes? You can’t. It’s out of their control. The hunger strikes that the Cuban government so strongly defended in the case of the IRA, the Irish Republican Army, have now backfired on them, because the same words Castro used in his speech to honor the victims of those hunger strikes are now being used against them. So you see, there are situations that the government can’t deal with.