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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Ernesto Hernandez Busto

Interviewed January 5, 2011

My position regarding the presence of the UN and other organizations linked to the UN is very negative. The idea of cooperation these organizations have is always directly through the Cuban government. The Cuban government accomplished with the UN what it wanted, a place within the Human Rights Council that has helped them as an instrument of change, not only to ban any resolution against Cuba but also to block resolutions that go against friendly countries like Iran and China.

The presence of Cuba in that committee is really a stigma to any human rights defender in Cuba and anywhere in the world. No one can figure out how the UN has allowed it that fundamental role that is used by Cuba as a political weapon. Not only by Cuba but by other countries. They exchange help by blocking resolutions that might affect any of them. From that perspective, the UN is a fiasco. They have never been concerned for the human rights violations in Cuba, they haven’t even wanted to register or receive information from serious organizations that have tried to discuss these violations.