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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Sally Sami

Interviewed January 5, 2011

Everyone is responsible. Because human rights and democracy, it´s not about me alone. It´s not about this country alone. It is a responsibility of humanity. If you are violated in a different country, I will defend you. Because human rights does not belong to specific people. And the same goes for the policy of Bahrain and Yemen. You know, why? Are the Yemenis less worthy of a fair government? Are the Bahrainis less worthy? Killing people and torturing them is an acceptable cost to fight back Iran?

I don´t know. Who is benefiting, really, at the end of the day? Is it the majority of the poor people in the world? I highly doubt. So basically, that´s missing the train, not really standing to the principles that is being advocated is basically calling for another wave. But this wave is not going to be as peaceful. As it is, people are getting angrier. People are going to starve.

There is sectarian violence that is taking angry. It is induced and if it goes out of control, it will be very difficult to contain again. How about all of this can influence is really by– and as I said earlier– holding onto the principles, the real principles. We´re talking about freedom. Freedom is not– does not belong to one set of people and the others not. Freedom is not only freedom for the Americans not to feel afraid by terrorism, for example.

If the Middle East– if we all live in dignity, there won´t be terrorists. You know, why do people opt to violence? Why do people choose to kill themselves, reach a point when they´re willing to kill themselves? And it´s not normal human behavior. You reach a level of– hopelessness. For example, in Egypt during the ´80s and ´90s, everyone thought the poor were the ones who were being recruited for terrorism. And in reality, it was university graduates. You know, they had dreams growing up. And suddenly the dreams were stolen.

These are the people who are being recruited. It is not Gamal Mubarak [Gamal Mubarak, Hosni Mubarak’s younger son, was widely viewed as being groomed to succeed his father in office.] or people who are rich. This is basically it. It is telling regimes, it is telling possible dictators that they can get away with their crimes. Just to make things clear, in the revolution, the 25th of January in Egypt, was not made by anyone but by Egyptians and the hope and the determination to really make a dream come true.