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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Rodrigo Diamanti

Interviewed January 4, 2010

Actually, international support is very important for Venezuelans because it helps them morally and maintains the motivation of the people who are in the country. They see that people from the international community are worried about them or for instance worried about people in Zimbabwe. It is very important that they do not feel alone. When people start to feel alone in this fight, that is when they feel defeat. So it is important to have international solidarity and social media such as Twitter and Facebook so that people can speak up.

We have a Facebook page: “A World Without Censorship”. And people from all over the world visit and are informed about what is happening in Venezuela and to the people. It is one way to help them out. Other nations and other presidents have declared that there is no democracy in Venezuela, that there is just a dictatorship that continues to win elections because it is important to win these elections during these times.