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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Rebiya Kadeer

Interviewed January 8, 2010

Although the Chinese government suppressed us with the most cruelty, they did not pursue an ethnic cleansing, did not forcefully move our daughters to inner parts of China, until the 1990s. Currently, 400,000 Uyghur girls have been taken away, Uyghur girls ages 14 to 25 forcibly moved to Chinese regions. This is an insult to a nation: taking under-aged children from us, restricting our mother language. And for “Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,” it is against their policies for autonomy and restricting our mother tongue. All of this because the Chinese government got stronger.

This is the strength of the Chinese government. How did the Chinese government become strong? The Western world, the United States of America made China strong. In 1996, during Mr. Clinton’s presidency, there was a regulation. And when it came to trade, the United States used to put human rights first. And if there were any groups of people that had issues with human rights violations, then the United States first used to have dialogue with those groups of people and then used to discuss trade with China.

This was the American value and America’s law. During 1996, when this was being cancelled and starting to favor China’s trade, then the Chinese government started the first ethnic cleansing against the Uyghurs during the Ghulja incident in 1997. Ever since then, they have been killing our people non-stop. Therefore, with giving special trade attention to China and putting human rights on the back burner, America is behaving against their moral values and making China strong in the world today and holding the world economy. With China growing strong economically, the Western countries are acting against their own ethical principles and standing still and not saying a word about China’s human rights abuse. And this is strength for China.