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Interviews with Rebiya Kadeer

Interviewed January 8, 2010

During the July 5th [2009 Shaoguan] incident the Uyghur students – for the first time in their lives – the Uyghur people, they carried the Chinese flag to state that it is a peaceful protest. And they said things like “Please do not kill us”, “Why did you move our girls?” and “Why do you suppress us?” The people who joined this protest were elementary school, middle school, high school, and university students.

The Chinese government very well could have stopped the protest. They could have peacefully dealt with it also. They could have also interrupted the protest easily. But instead of stopping it, they brought 25,000 troops to the place the students were protesting and fired guns at the innocent protesters in shooting rampages and killed so many of them right there and made the whole area covered with blood. For that reason the Chinese government orchestrated such a game successfully.

After they recorded the furious Uyghurs attacking some Chinese around nine in the evening, they shut down the electricity for the whole city and forced the demonstrators to retreat to an alley and started to shoot at the thousands of Uyghur demonstrators with automatic rifles. Up to this point, the Chinese government claims that 1,600 people were wounded and about 200 people died. The number 200 is not a small number. Even in the Iraq War, not 200 people died in one day. The Chinese government claimed that 200 died in one day. Whatever happened to those 1,600 who were wounded? Thousands and tens of thousands of Uyghurs disappeared after only being wounded.

As you see, the Chinese government did not deal with either the Shaoguan incident or the subject of relocating the young Uyhgur girls correctly. And the crackdown against the Uyghurs ended harshly with massacring the Uyghurs. It is a bloody tragedy. It is a bloody tragedy, just as the Tiananmen incident and just as the Tibet incident are. They ended as bloody tragedies.

Starting from July 5th until now, they shut down the entire Internet. Even now, 30 million Uyghur people do not have access to the Internet. There is no Internet. The whole world knows about it. They also shut down the phones and just recently, about a month ago, they barely opened the phone systems. They shut down 1,500 websites and incarcerated the websites’ hosts. They executed many and killed many in the jail by torture.

The world felt pity for us. The world media did not buy the Chinese propaganda and sent reporters to Urumqi for reporting from the actual place, although the Chinese government beat them up, broke their cameras, and deported them from the country. But they have known the actual reality and reported to the world.

However, no matter if it is the United States government, no matter if it is the U.S. State Department, their attitude toward the incident was very passive. Because the Chinese economy is getting strong, and plus it was the time for them to have a dialogue with China on the economy, they reacted in the most weak and useless manner and kept quiet. The whole European world and Asian world was watching them and didn´t want to say anything strong while the U.S. didn´t say much. Therefore, the Chinese shut down our Internet, killed all the wounded, and arrested Uyghurs without any hesitations. They relocated 130,000 soldiers for further suppression of the Uyghurs – 130,000 troops against the barehanded Uyghurs.

Currently, the Uyghur people cannot even lift up their heads on the streets. If they lift up their heads and look at someone, soldiers all come and attack this Uyghur and kill him. The situation is very harsh. If they had treated the Uyghur issue as an international human rights issue and not only an internal problem of China, and if they had applied American values and human rights to our people, the Chinese government would not have been cruel against our people. For the last five months, the Chinese government has announced to the world that they have openly executed 34 people for connections with the incident. And some of them were only 19 years old.