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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Cristal Montañéz Baylor

Interviewed January 5, 2011

I will tell people around the world to defend their dignity. Do not allow dictatorial regimes to govern your life. You were born in freedom. In my country, we come from one of the most stable democracies in Latin America. Was it perfect? No, but it was democracy. It was free. People had the freedom to own property, to say whatever they wanted to say. They had the freedom to participate in politics; they had the freedom to govern. I would ask people to not give up. Stay together for one objective, and the main objective is the freedom of your own country, that is the land of your children, the land of your grandchildren. So never to go bed thinking: I wonder what they will do tomorrow for me. What are you really doing to bring peace, democracy, and freedom to your country?

Get involved. I would ask people not to watch the process of destruction in your country on television. Go out and join the people who are doing something, so everybody can put a grain of sand toward the same objective, so we can overcome tyranny, so we can overcome dictatorial regimes, so we can really have human dignity and freedom in our lives and be able to live like we used to live. Be free.