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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Cristal Montañéz Baylor

Interviewed January 5, 2011

Definitely other movements of organizations, societies that have strengthened through these political processes, have caught my attention, especially those nonviolent movements, where society is united for the sole purpose of ending a dictatorial regime without violence.

We have observed this is many countries. It has happened in Yugoslavia. In recent months we have seen an extraordinary process in Iran — Egypt and Libya also can be mentioned — where we see that the people, despite the risks, have decided to defend democratic principles. And these countries have been mostly successful. Some have not been successful, such as Iran and Ukraine. The processes were lost. But the effort was made, the experience of unity has been seen, which leads us to say ultimately the dictators´ wish will prevail. In Iran they stole the elections from the people. In Venezuela they will steal the 2012 elections from Venezuelans.