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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Cheery Zahau

Interviewed January 8, 2010

There are times when I felt really unsafe living along Burma’s border. When I heard that SPDC has sent a spy. So for example, in 2007,they’ve got my name on the “New Light of Myanmar” saying that I’m trying to disunite myself and my other colleagues have tried to disunite the union.

And later on, they come to Chin State saying the Chin women do not face any problem. Chin women and men are living in harmony. So there are ways that they attack through newspaper, and sometime they also send a letter to the different departments in Chin State looking for me and trying to get my parents.

So yes, sometimes I felt, you know, a little bit unsafe. And there were times when I was living on India-Burma border where they send bad guys. You know, so I had to be very, very careful who is behind me, who is beside me when I’m walking on the street. And yeah, there are times like that. But I think that fears didn’t stop me yet because the cause that we’re doing is for justice and human rights. So we can overcome this fear.