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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Cheery Zahau

Interviewed January 8, 2010

In terms of, you know, inspirations, I think for me, my greatest inspiration was the 1988 student uprising, where thousands of students came on the street and demanded for political change. That was my greatest inspiration. I’m sure those leaders, student leaders, have learned from other country; but once I got into this movement, I’ve learned a lot about transition period in Czech Republic. How the judicial systems, security and military systems have changed and need to be changed; what needs to prepare. So we learned over time what can happen in Burma and what we should be aware of.

Mahatma Gandhi and his nonviolent ideology, you know, is the greatest inspiration for me, because when you talk about nonviolent you’re trying to avoid killing people. And many people are frustrated now in the Burma movement, or Burma observers, that nonviolent movement does not work.

But although it doesn’t work now, nonviolent movement, at least we are avoiding killing people. We’re avoiding repressions against the civilians. So I think this is the inspiration for me.