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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Albie Sachs

Interviewed May 20, 2024

I think there have been 20 or more Truth Commissions throughout the world. The one that´s best known is the South African Truth Commission. And it´s partly because of the extraordinary leadership given by Desmond Tutu, who combines a deep spirituality that comes from his vocation with tremendous common sense and humanity and a media savvy personality.

Very rich and very brilliant imitation of what the commission was about came through his persona. [Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1931 – ) was the first black Archbishop of Capetown in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, serving from 1986 – 1996. He is a human rights advocate and was a leading anti-apartheid activist. Tutu won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.]

But I think it´s important to understand that we had the truth commission partly because the ANC wanted to deal with the fact that its members had used torture in the liberation period and had to come clean in the new society. [The African National Congress (ANC) is a political party that served as the most prominent resistance movement against South Africa’s apartheid system, at times resorting to violence through its military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe. It was officially banned by the South African government from 1960 to 1990. As apartheid collapsed, the ANC’s leader, Nelson Mandela, was elected President of South Africa in 1994 and established a democratic government.]

Partly because the generals in the apparatus looked at the proposed constitution and they´d been promised amnesty by President de Klerk; they didn´t see amnesty there. And they said, “We protected the democratic process, we know that there are plans to bomb the first elections to smithereens.

We will defend the first elections but not if we´re all going to go to jail afterwards for things that we did under the command of President de Klerk and the others.” And so the ANC agreed to the idea of a Truth Commission linked to amnesty. And that became the crucial factor in South Africa, that if people would come forward to tell the world about their suffering and their loss and loss of relatives they´d be able to discover where the bodies had been buried of people who´d disappeared. They´d be able to discover the lost moments of loved ones who died in the struggle and be able to have dignified burials for them.

[Frederick Willem de Klerk (1936 – ) served as President of South Africa from 1989 – 1994. Under de Klerk’s leadership the apartheid system was dismantled, the African National Congress’ 30-year ban ended, political prisoners were released and majority (multiracial) elections were established.]

They´d be able to articulate their pain for the world to understand. But in addition, those who´d been responsible for the violations could come forward maybe for those for who it was a burden, get the burden off their shoulders, but at least reveal the truth of what had happened. And if they revealed the truth, they could get amnesty.

And so our Truth Commission achieved a certain international acclaim. It´s controversial in South Africa. Some people complain that it favored certain sections of those who´d been involved in armed struggle, combat and others. Others complained it let off too easily the killers, the torturers. But I have no doubt personally that it was a crucial ingredient in enabling some of the most intensely painful moments of our past, allowing this past to come to the light of day.

To be known, to be acknowledged. As one American put it, “What the Truth Commission did was to convert knowledge into acknowledgment.” Knowledge, yes, there was torture, yes, people died, yes, bad things were done but that´s abstract, that´s statistical, that´s in a report. Acknowledgment is when you see on television the people who did it coming forward to say, “I did this, I did that.” When you hear the laments and you see the tears of those who suffered, when you say where was I, what would I have done, how would I have behaved, how can we stop these things from happening?

Where these experiences, terrible experiences are sold into the psyches of millions of South Africans who are now thinking about what they meant, what they signified, how we can avoid it in future that´s what our Truth Commission did. And enabled us to move forward to deal with the harder issues until we had real equality in our country.

Until everybody´s living in a decent home and has access to decent medical treatment and decent education and decent employment, we´re never going to have full reconciliation in this country. But at least by removing some of the most painful sores, some of that agony is lightened and the possibilities of beginning to live together and actually living together as equals in one country are made much easier. Not just through the formal system of one person, one vote in form of democracy and rights under the bill of rights but through an acknowledgment of the pain, the injustice, the unfairness, the inhumanities, the degradation imposed on the past. Letting it come out enables us to move forward.