
George W. Bush Institute

We focus on developing leaders, advancing policy, and taking action to solve today's most pressing challenges.

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Read the article World Cancer Day: Go Further continues to make an impact in sub-Saharan Africa   .

World Cancer Day: Go Further continues to make an impact in sub-Saharan Africa   

By: Hannah Johnson
Women living with HIV are up to six times more likely to develop cervical cancer, and roughly 110,000 women in sub-Saharan Africa are diagnosed with cervical cancer annually. Approximately 66% of those women will die from the disease, making it one of the deadliest cancers for women in the region.  
Read the article Go Further’s lifesaving impact: Lisondry’s story .
Nov 1, 2023

Go Further’s lifesaving impact: Lisondry’s story

By: Hannah Johnson
The George W. Bush Institute’s Global Health Program Manager Hannah Johnson shares her experience traveling to Namibia for a Go Further partner visit and the incredible work being done in the country to end HIV/AIDS as a health threat by 2030.
Read the article Building on PEPFAR's Success: Is a win for U.S. foreign policy.
Jan 17, 2023

Building on PEPFAR's Success: Is a win for U.S. foreign policy

By: Deborah L. Birx, M.D., Dr. William R. Steiger, Crystal Cazier
The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been extremely successful over the 20 years since the program was launched by President George W. Bush. PEPFAR has saved more than 25 million lives, including preventing more than 5.5 million babies from acquiring HIV by working directly in communities and with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and other institutions.
Read the article Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Going Further in Kenya .
Jan 12, 2023

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Going Further in Kenya

By: Crystal Cazier
In September 2022, Crystal Cazier, Deputy Director of Global Health at the Bush Institute, visited Kenya with representatives of the Go Further partnership to understand the successes and challenges surrounding efforts to eliminate cervical cancer in the country. Read Cazier’s trip diary below.
Read the article Go Further at World Cancer Congress.
Oct 1, 2022

Go Further at World Cancer Congress

By: Crystal Cazier
The partners of Go Further are delighted to be participating in the World Cancer Congress. Here’s how you can learn more about our partnership, the contributions of the partners, and the work being done.

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