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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Sihem Bensedrine

Interviewed May 20, 2024

Prison is not good for anybody. But what I was suffering before during these more than ten years I was in a kind of invisible prison. It was much more strong and much more difficult than the real prison.

This invisible prison was much more painful than the physical prison I was put in. And for the first time, the human rights community of the world, the journalists for them, they are showing the real face of this false democracy of Ben Ali.

And for the first time, they are aware we are confronted by a dictatorship. It´s not something banal. It´s not something common. It´s a dictatorship. And for me, starting from this point, my life was much more easy than before. Because before, I was really disabled. I don´t have any opportunity to have a normal life, not only for me, even for my children, for my husband, for my sister, for my mother, for my brother, for everybody who have any link with me.

But after that, after the prison– Ben Ali did a mistake. And after two months, he released me. Because he realized that it was a mistake. Because the building was not visible before. And at that time, for each, it becomes much more visible, the real face of this dictatorship.