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Interviews with Roberto de Miranda

Interviewed January 3, 2011

Let me tell you something: you have to be very intelligent in dealing with the Cuban government. I think that the policy of several European governments that helped achieved the release of many political prisoners in our country has been a very smart one. There may be people who disagree with me, but I think that the Spanish government, knowing that the Cuban government is a proud and arrogant one, knew how to handle the situation when I was released in 2004.

I’m very grateful to the Spanish and French governments for their assistance in the release of the first 12 prisoners, who were the most ill. I think that the work performed by European Union governments with the Cuban government has been based on intelligent rather than confrontational policies.

I think that’s a very positive thing. Within this group of nations, I can point out the Eastern European nations who have always stood by the Cuban people and the dissidents. The work of Eastern European activists has to be appreciated, especially the way they’ve approached our homes to convey their solidarity.

Also, we should pay thanks to the work done by many young people in Latin American countries, like Venezuela, Costa Rica, or Uruguay. Regrettably, this hasn’t been the case for Latin American governments, which have constantly turned their backs on us. It’s sad to say, but going to Havana and filing a complaint at the Mexican consulate is basically asking to be kicked out of the embassy.

It’s not something I enjoy saying, but I must because I am here to tell the truth. Latin American governments are afraid of the Castro brothers. It’s an objective reality that is palpable even to the citizens of these countries. International support from European countries, on the other hand, has been really positive for our dissent.