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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Claudio Jose Sandoval

Interviewed January 12, 2010

Basically, Venezuela is a democratic country in conscience. Venezuelans are democratic by nature. We like to debate, to talk, to express our ideas, to elect people. We like to be seen as equals. We treat people as equals without regard to color, race, etc. So, that is inherent to us. It is the essence of being Venezuelan. And, precisely because of our nature, at least for most Venezuelans, that was the main element to involve myself in this fight for freedom and democracy in Venezuela. Basically what has motivated me was the idea of building a better Venezuela.

The history of Venezuela of the last part of the 20th Century and the first decade of the 21st Century has served the new generation — The young people of Venezuela who have nothing to do with the events of the past nor those of the present – to give us a motivation that we have channeled, that we want to channel in the democratic framework of freedoms because we believe that is the only way that guarantees the social welfare, quality of life, and finally, a premise that seems to be abstract, but, for me, it makes a lot of sense, the pursuit of happiness.