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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Carlos Alberto Montaner

Interviewed January 3, 2011

Che Guevara was in La Cabaña, the big political prison of Havana where most of the firing squad executions took place. There were executions all throughout the Island, but in Havana they happened in La Cabaña and El Che directed that military camp for the first months of the revolution, and he did participate in the shootings. He felt a profound contempt towards his enemies and he made a virtue out of cruelty. It’s something that happens to some revolutionaries, the Robespierre mentality. Cruelty against the enemy of the revolution is the virtue of the motherland. El Che participated in that way of acting and he said it.

That’s what sets him apart from others. There are phrases that Che wrote and declared publicly that were terrible. There is a phrase by Che that says, “A revolutionary must be a perfect killing machine” because to him there was no contradiction. There was an ethical and moral justification for killing and murdering anyone who opposed the revolutionary process; it was perfectly normal. So yes, El Che was in fact a true murderer during the first months and in his biography one should note of the hundreds of people that he executed, if not him directly via the firing squad.