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Interviews with Ariel Sigler Amaya

Interviewed January 3, 2011

Very advanced and sophisticated technology is a very important tool for the dissident movement in Cuba. Let me explain this better. Before, in Cuban penitentiaries, people were beaten to death. On the streets, innocent people were beaten by the police all the time, but none of this was shown because we couldn’t film it. This sophisticated technology did not exist for us to show to the international community what was really happening in Cuba.

Now with new technology, like the Internet, digital cameras, and cell phones, which have played an important role, the regime is afraid. They fear this technology because it affects them in a negative way, and that is why they try to control it so they can counteract the positive effect it has had for the opposition and Cuban society. Why do I say this? Well, because before, and let’s not go that far back, in the year 2000, when I was on the street they would beat you, arrest you, or harass you; and you couldn’t do anything about it. Now with a cell phone you can call and tell someone what they are doing to you.

The whole world is now seeing what truly goes on in Cuba, and the regime does not like this. It is affecting them. This is why there is a cyber war against the opposition. They take away cell phones, digital cameras, and cut off your Internet access so that the world doesn’t see what is happening. This has really affected the Cuban regime, and they have done whatever they can to discredit or demoralize all these people, like the bloggers, for example. In Cuba, this new tendency has really affected the government, and bloggers like Yoani Sanchez lead the way. Even people with cell phones can easily take pictures or videos or simply call and report when they are being beaten; and this scares the government. People who do the beating are scared because the world can see their faces now and know who they are.

This didn’t exist before, and they could hit and even kill people and no one found out about it. But now with this advanced technology, the government has suffered a big defeat; and the world can immediately find out about what is going on by just accessing the Internet – this is the main concern of Cuban regime. That is why they are fighting a war against the media, so that technology does not reach the opposition. Any other person is okay, but technology in the hands of the opposition is dangerous for the regime. It becomes an informational threat because they can immediately inform the world what is going on and not have to wait two or three days for a foreign newspaper or radio station to report it.

They can spread news immediately via the Internet or share pictures off cell phones, which is the fastest way. Now with cell phones that have Internet access, you can easily upload pictures for the international community to see. This is why the government finds itself in a difficult position and why they are upset with organizations around the world and even the United States for providing this technology to the opposition.

The Cuban regime is really upset because they love to say that Cuba is paradise and that Cuba is a country that respects human rights; but once you see a video of someone being beaten on the street or a group of policemen entering someone’s home to smash it, you know what they are saying is not true. So, this is why the government is upset and why they try to fight technology. This is why they harass and try to discredit bloggers. They do anything possible to demoralize the opposition in Cuba.