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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Ahn Myeong Chul

Interviewed August 4, 2014

Another issue I’d like to raise involves female defectors. Many North Korean women go to China in search of food and they fall victim to human trafficking. Many orphans are born to these women; they have North Korean mothers and Chinese fathers.

I would say there about 100,000 of these orphans living in China. Unfortunately, the Chinese authorities will arrest and send the female defectors back to North Korea, regardless of whether their children are born out of marriage to Chinese fathers or whether they are born out of human trafficking.

These children are left without their mothers, because they are forced back to North Korea. Many of these children have now entered into their teenage years; some are in their 20’s.

Purely from a humanitarian basis and for the sake of these children, the Chinese government must adopt a policy where these women are not sent back to North Korea.

But if this kind of policy were to be implemented, I believe this could lead to a massive number of people leaving North Korea. If the population of the defectors rises to 100,000, I believe that this could lead to a natural collapse of North Korea as a nation. China should accept these Koreans as refugees and provide them refugee status.