The Lazarus Effect, 15 Years Later


May 09, 2018

Engage at the Bush Center, presented by Highland Capital Management


May 2018 is the 15th anniversary of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), signed into law by President Bush. PEPFAR is credited with saving millions of lives and today supports more than 13.3 million people with lifesaving antiretroviral treatment. As President Bush wrote in his memoir, Decision Points, “ People who were given up for dead were restored to healthy and productive lives…Africans came up with a phrase to describe the transformation. They called it the Lazarus Effect.”


To celebrate the life-changing success of PEPFAR and other related programs made possible by the generosity of the American people, Barbara Bush, co-founder of Global Health Corps, moderates two panels on the impact and future of global health involvement. Panelists include:


    • Former Rwandan Minister of Health Dr. Agnes Binagwaho


    • Key architect of PEPFAR Ambassador Mark Dybul, M.D.


    • Partner in Health’s Dr. Paul Farmer


    • Key architect of PEPFAR Dr. Anthony Fauci


    • Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson


    • Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)