The Future of Texas


February 06, 2020

Engage at the Bush Center, presented by Highland Capital Management


Join a convening of two panels of renowned policy experts to examine the future of our state and the changes and challenges that lie ahead. You’ll hear discussions and potential solutions around education, health and safety, workforce, infrastructure, natural resources, and more. The program has been developed in conjunction with Texas 2036, a nonpartisan effort of business and civic leaders to plan and identify policy solutions that gets its name from the future bicentennial of the state.


By 2036, our state will be home to 10 million more Texans. That growth represents significant opportunity, but also poses a number of challenges. Former U.S. Secretary of Education and past Bush Center President Margaret Spellings, who now serves as President and CEO of Texas 2036, will begin the evening by framing up the state’s shifting demographics and the issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure the future prosperity of all Texans.