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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Wai Wai Nu

Interviewed October 22, 2024

For me freedom… Everyone should be granted their fundamental rights, equally, with respect and dignity. What freedom means to me is: everyone’s basic rights are granted equally with full respect and with dignity regardless of differences.

The first thing is… I myself faced injustice in my life.

When I was 18 years old I was arrested and sentenced for 17 years and I had lost my education… and our future. I don´t want any other young people in Burma to face that kind of situation again.

Also, when we look at the changes in Myanmar [Burma], we don´t see… we are not sure if it is real change to democracy or not.

[In 2011, Burmese President Thein Sein began enacting a reform agenda that has eased government restrictions on civil liberties and opened more political space for opposition parties.]

And we see a lot of human rights violations and problems that need [to be] solved in Myanmar [Burma].