Securing Democracy Against Authoritarian Threats


February 26, 2019

Authoritarian regimes from Moscow to Beijing are undermining the liberal democratic order and targeting the United States and our democratic allies around the world. Using information operations, cyberattacks, support for extremist movements, and malign finance, these regimes exploit divisions in our societies and weaken us at home and abroad. Now that we recognize these threats, how do we come together on a bipartisan basis to defend against and deter future authoritarian attacks on our democracy?


  • Laura Rosenberger, Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy and Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Jamie Fly, Senior Fellow and Director of the Future of Geopolitics and Asia programs, German Marshall Fund of the United States

Moderated By

  • Lindsay Lloyd, Director of the Human Freedom Initiative, George W. Bush Institute
  • James Hollifield, Professor in the Department of Political Science and Academic Director, SMU’s John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies