
Ryan: How to Grow the Economy at 4%

"We're going in the wrong direction," the Republican candidate for Vice President, Paul Ryan, said at the debate tonight. "This...

"We're going in the wrong direction," the Republican candidate for Vice President, Paul Ryan, said at the debate tonight. "This is not what a real recovery looks like." Ryan, who spoke at the Bush Institute's conference on "Tax Policies for 4% Growth" in New York this spring, said that economic policy should be about "getting the economy growing at 4%." Instead, "it's growing at 1.3%." He outlined five goals for a growth-oriented strategy:

— Energy independence in North America — Job training — Debt and deficit reduction — Strengthening America's ability to trade internationally — Nurturing small businesses, which are "the greatest job creators"

We need "real reforms for a real recovery," Ryan concluded. "Wouldn't it be nice to have a job-creator in the White House?"