
'Growth' Grows in the Debate Lexicon

Learn more about Matthew Denhart.
Matthew Denhart

We are pleased to see economic growth taking a front seat in the presidential debates. In last week's first presidential debate, Governor Romney...

We are pleased to see economic growth taking a front seat in the presidential debates. In last week’s first presidential debate, Governor Romney and President Obama both used the word “grow” or “growth” often. Romney used the term 14 times, and Obama 11 times.

Watching the debate tonight, it seemed that growth was a big theme again. And a review of the debate’s transcript (available here) confirms this: the word “grow” — or some variation of that word — was uttered in relation to the economy 16 times. If the debate participants Paul Ryan and Joe Biden were being judged simply for their use of the word “grow,” Ryan would be declared the winner. He used the term 12 times discussing the economy compared to Biden’s four uses, and Ryan even referred explicitly to the need for 4% growth.

The second presidential debate takes place next Tuesday, October 16, 2012. It will utilize a town-hall format and questions will be posed by members of the audience. We hope to hear more about how the country can achieve 4% growth.