
How to Avoid a Recession in 2013

Learn more about Matthew Denhart.
Matthew Denhart

Is another recession on the horizon? Back in July, David Malpass — a featured contributor here at the 4% Growth Project — wrote that slow...

Is another recession on the horizon? Back in July, David Malpass — a featured contributor here at the 4% Growth Project — wrote that slow growth was likely to continue for the remainder of 2012, but that recession was a real threat in 2013.

That threat seems to have intesified. Writing in the Wall Street Journal under the headline “Economic Signals Point to a 2013 Recession,” Malpass argues that recent data on durable goods and personal income, combined with current anti-growth public policies, suggest recession is more likely.

Luckily, it is not too late. Malpass believes that economic policies that are consistent with the core American economic principles — principles like a sound dollar, limited government, and low taxes — can usher in prosperity and save our nation from decline.

You can read Malpass’s entire column here.