
"Minds on the Move: A new kind of free trade" by James K. Glassman in the Wall Street Journal

From James K. Glassman’s Wall Street Journal review of  The Great Brain Race,  By Ben Wildavsky: “. . .  like free...

From James K. Glassman’s Wall Street Journal review of  The Great Brain Race,  By Ben Wildavsky: “. . .  like free trade in conventional goods and services, free trade in minds helps everyone. ‘Innovation overseas,’ Mr. Wildavsky says, ‘can actually enhance America’s financial well-being. That is because ideas can’t be contained within national boundaries, meaning that America’s share of the world’s research production matters far less than the proven ability of U.S. entrepreneurs, financiers, and consumers to take advantage of cutting-edge research wherever it comes from.’ . . . . Making the most of human capital—a key to competitiveness and prosperity—is more and more the work of globalized universities competing for the best thinkers and the best ideas.”