
What You Can Do to Help Veterans and Servicemen and Women with Invisible Wounds

We can all take action now to better recognize, connect, and deliver high quality care.

Looking for Help?

Immediate help, including crisis hotlines, is available for warriors and those who care for them.

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As a Nation and as individual citizens, we all have a responsibility to ensure warriors who face the invisible wounds of war are empowered to seek, access, and receive high quality care. At the Bush Institute we believe that we all have a role to play in:

  • Increasing awareness, recognition and understanding of these injuries;
  • Empowering service members, veterans, and their caregivers to seek, access and sustain high quality care; and
  • Improving outcomes by fostering a comprehensive, integrative, and culturally competent system of high quality care.

How Warriors, Family, and Friends Can Help

Warriors, family, and friends play a critical role in recognizing the need for care and then seeking, accessing and remaining in care.

How Care Providers and Policy Influencers Can Help

Health care providers and researchers across the public, private, and non-profit sectors are essential to the delivery of evidence-based and holistic care. Healthcare leaders and payers, as well as professional associations and organizations, policy makers, and other key influencers also play a critical role in creating comprehensive, high quality systems of care and support.

How Members of the Community Can Help

Employers, educators, community leaders, and other citizens can play a critical role in facilitating the effective transition, and the physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and financial wellbeing of our warriors and their families.